Information & Communication
Train students for specialists with a Christian world view and an artisan spirit!
A Course of Study
Division | Major | Hour/Unit | Course Type |
Basic Divisional requirement | Introduction to Design | 2/2 | theory, theory+practice, theory+field training, theory+internship |
2-Dimensional Design | 3/2 | ||
3-Dimensional Design | 3/2 | ||
Color Practice | 3/2 | ||
Major Electives Group A | Practice on Biomechanics and Motion | 4/3 | |
Designn & ((Croquis)) | 4/3 | ||
Human Anatomy & Modeling | 4/3 | ||
Stop motion Animation | 4/3 | ||
3D Modeling and Rendering | 4/3 | ||
Digital Image Planning & Storyboards | 4/3 | ||
Basic 2D Animation | 4/3 | ||
Basic 3D Animation | 4/3 | ||
Digital Cinema 1 | 4/3 | ||
3D Character Design | 4/3 | ||
Structure of a human body & Motions study | 4/3 | ||
Major Electives Group B | Intermediate 2D animation | 4/3 | |
Intermediate 3D animation | 4/3 | ||
Digital Cinema 2 | 4/3 | ||
Digital Drawing & Painting | 4/3 | ||
Digital Image Editing | 4/3 | ||
Intermediate 2D animation | 4/3 | ||
Intermediate 3D animation | 4/3 | ||
Advanced Digital Image Creation | 4/3 | ||
Special Effects in Digital Image | 4/3 | ||
Digital Image & Sound Design | 4/3 | ||
Structure of a human body & Motions study | 4/3 | ||
Major Electives Group C | Digital Image & Animation Project | 4/3 | |
3 Dimension Undergraduate Project | 2/1 | ||
Motion Graphics | 4/3 | ||
Digital Image & Animation Workshop1 | 4/3 | ||
2 Dimension Undergraduate Project | 4/3 | ||
Undergraduate Project | 4/3 | ||
Digital Image & Animation Internship | 4/3 | ||
Commercial Digital Image Design | 4/3 | ||
Digital Image & Animation Workshop1 | 2/1 | ||
Total | 122/91 |
368301 Basic circuit Lab. (4/3) 기초회로실험 theory & Practice, elective course for major
To gain practical understanding of circuit theory and electronic components
To become familiar with basic laboratory equipment
Electronics as science, multimeter usage, Oscilloscope usage, Function generator usage, DC Power supply usage, Ohm's Law, Power dissipation, Series batteries, Parallel batteries, Superposition theorem, KVL, KCL, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, RLC series a.c. circuit, RLC parallel a.c. circuit etc.
Recommended for freshmen and 2nd year students.
449901 Introduction to Information and Communications Engineering (3/3) 정보통신공학입문 theory, elective course for major
To help students understand physics applied to electronic engineering.
To help students understand the uses of computer networks and networking in a local and remote environment.
To provide up-to-date communication technologies including Ubiquitous and Home networking.
This course examines a range of information and communications technology e.g., voice-mail, Fax, telephone, optical fibre, global networks and satellites to increase the understanding of how the technology is, or can be applied. Examination of the convergence of these technologies and the impact of the convergence e.g., data networks, HDTV, personal communications networks is provided.
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
114601 Logic Circuit and Lab. (4/3) 논리회로 및 실습 theory+practice, an elective course for major
To understand the basic digital logic system.
To manipulate the number system of internal computer .
To perceive the combinational logic circuit.
To comprehend the sequential logic circuit.
To help students who want to know more complex digital logic systems.
Introduction to digital logic circuits, data representation and manipulation, digital code, basic logic gates, Boolean algebra, simplification of logic equation, combinational logic circuits, flip-flops, counters, registers, memory and program logic devices.
Recommended for 1st or 2nd year students who have taken discrete mathematics.
368501 Basic Communication Mathematics (3/3) 기초통신수학 theory, an elective course for major.
To understand the transformation functions.
To comprehend calculus.
To manipulate Fourier series.
To perceive Laplace transformation.
To recognize probability theory.
To learn complex function.
To help students who want to know basic communication mathematics.
Introduction to engineering mathematics which include calculus, Fourier series, Laplace transformation, probability theory and complex function.
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken discrete mathematics.
367201 C++ Programing (3/4) C++ 프로그래밍 theory+practice elective course for major
To introduce students to C++ programming
C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as a middle-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features.
It is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled language where compilation creates machine code for a target machine hardware, supports procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming.
Introduction to C++, Concept on C++, use of class, array, pointer and reference, function overloading, operator overloading, inheritance, C++ I/O, high-level C++ I/O, virtual function, template and exception, RTTI and casting operator, namespace, conversion function, STL(Standard Template Library), etc.
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken C language programming course.
368601 Circuit Theory (3/3)회로이론 theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about passive electric elements.
To help students who study electric network theory and sinusodial circuit theory.
To help students increase their knowledge about RLC circuit and circuit network system function.
Arguments for the specific of passive elements, differential function and integral function, kirchoff voltage law, kirchoff current law, electric power source element, frequency response analysis.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic engineering mathematics.
245401 Computer Architecture (3/3) 컴퓨터구조론 theory, an elective course for major, teacher credit course
To understand the processor of computers.
To comprehend and manipulate the number system which deal with inside of computer.
To perceive of memory architecture and building memory modules.
To recognize of cache memory and its mapping method.
To appreciate the peripheral communication and its variety.
To help students who want to know more complex architectures and future architectures.
Introduction to computer systems, applications of digital logic circuits, data representation and manipulation, CPU architecture and Instruction set, micro-operation and control unit, pipelined processor and superscalar processor architecture, memory systems, input/output systems, parallel processing and multi-processor systems.
Recommended for 2nd or 3rd year students who have taken digital logic circuits and discrete mathematics.
449701 Basic Electronic Engineering (3/3) 기초전자공학 theory, major elective Group A
To help students understand electron, atom, and elements.
To help students understand basic electronic circuit.
To help students understand basic magnetic circuit.
To help students understand electronic circuit for rectifier.
Principle of current generation, electronic circuit design for rectifier, electronic circuit design for amplifier, registor, inductor, capcitor, diode, transistor, FET, R-L-C circuit design, time constant calculation in R-C and R-L circuit. Ohm's law.
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken basic mathematic courses.
정보통신학전공 - 전공나군
368401 Basic electromagnetic theory (3/3) 기초전자기이론 theory, elective course for major
The goal of this course is to explore the theory of electromagnetism at a basic level through the study of physical situations and using mathematical techniques.
Introduction to electromagnetics at the undergraduate level. Topics include applications of vector
calculus, Divergence theorem, Stokes' theorem, electric field, boundary condition, Coulomb's law, Amphere's law, magnetic field, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic energy, radiation.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic electronic circuit and vector calculus courses.
321001 Electronic Circuit (3/3)전자회로 theory,elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about electronic circuit.
To help students who want to acquire knowledge of operation amplifier, active circuit
To help students increase their knowledge about transistor circuit,diode circuit.
Arguments for the diode and transistor circuit, etc. active element circuit ,operational amplifier circuit, feedback circuit, amplifier circuit, component of electronic circuit.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theoretical circuit courses.
321101 Digital Communication Theory (3/3)디지털통신이론 theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about digital communication.
To help students who study analog communication basic theory.
To help students increase their knowledge about sampling theory.
Arguments for the digital spectrum analysis, communication theory, application method, sampling theory, frequency analysis between time domain and frequency domain.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic engineering mathematics.
450001 Mathematics using the Computer (3/3) 컴퓨터응용수학 theory, an elective course for major.
To understand the Matlab programming.
To comprehend Matlab programming architecture.
To manipulate Matlab programming environment.
To perceive Matlab grammar.
To construction Matlab applications.
To help students who want to know communication mathematics using computer.
Introduction to Matlab programming, building application program using Matlab programming tool and constructing various application programs.
Recommended for 2nd or 3rd year students who have taken discrete mathematics, basic communication mathematics and engineering mathematics.
219401 UNIX System (4/3) 유닉스시스템 theory & lab, elective course for major
To know what an operating system is in general, and what Unix is in particular
To understand the internal structure of UNIX System
To learn basic UNIX commands and the UNIX programming environment
To learn how to write simple shell scripts
This course is meant to introduce you to the Unix operating system and to provide you with the knowledge necessary to use commands on a day-to-day basis.
● UNIX history and man feature (including Linux)
● Files and directories
● Monitoring and controlling processes and files
● Utilizing a text editor vi
● Bourne shell scripts
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken operating system and C programming language courses.
273501 Electronic Circuit and Experiments (4/3) 전자회로 및 실습 theory & Practice, elective course for major
To gain practical understanding of circuit theory and electronic components
To become familiar with basic laboratory equipment
To become proficient using P?spice
Electronics as science, multimeter usage, Oscilloscope usage, Function generator usage, DC Power supply usage, Commutating diode, Half-wave rectifier, Full-wave center-tap rectifier, Full-wave bridge rectifier, Rectifier/filter circuit, Voltage regulator, Transistor as a switch, Voltage follower, Common-emitter amplifier, Multi-stage amplifier, Current mirror, Simple op-amp etc.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken circuit theory and electronic circuit courses.
271201 Microprocessor and Lab. (4/3) 마이크로프로세서이론 및 실습 theory+practice, an elective course for major.
To understand the action principle of micro-controller.
To comprehend the internal architecture of MCS-51 family.
To manipulate the assembly language of MCS-51 family.
To practice various I/O devices using micro-controller.
To manufacture digital clock, dot matrix display system, digital thermometer and line tracer.
To help students who want to know more complex digital control systems.
Introduction to micro-controller systems, internal architecture and assembly language of MCS-51 family, system development method using micro-controller, basic experiment using 8051(relay control, dot matrix display, computer music, DC motor control, stepping motor control, etc.), application experiment using 8051(digital thermometer, LCD display control, digital clock and line tracer).
Recommended for 3rd or 4th year students who have taken digital logic circuits, computer architecture.
211501 Computer Network (3/3) 컴퓨터 네트워크 theory, general requirement course
To help students increase their knowledge about the network .
To learn necessary basis data communication theory and a communication network technology of religion needed in ministry
To learn communication network design, cultivate construction and administrable capability.
Learn communication network technologies related to a data transmission technology between computer and various Information-Communication terminal.
In particular, transfer medium, data encode, study about link control technique and a transmission technology of multiplex etc.. and circuit and packet switched data network, local area network, mobile communication network, structure of integrated services digital network and connection protocol etc.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses.
368701 Signal and System (3/3)신호및 시스템 theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about digital signal processing.
To help students who study frequency response and sampling theory
To help students increase their knowledge about frequency response and linear system.
Arguments for the basic theory of digital signal processing, frequency response, sampling theory, z transformation, digital filter, linear system theory.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic digital connunication courses.
정보통신학전공 - 전공다군
368801 Microwave Engineering (3/3) 초고주파공학 theory, major elective Group C
To help students understand the principle of microwave systems.
To help students understand the application of microwave systems.
To help students understand microwave components.
To help students understand RADAR system.
Principle of microwave systems. Application of microwave systems, microwave components, Smith chart, divider, hybrid coupler, directional coupler, Maxwell equation, impedance matching and tuning. microwave filter, active microwave circuits.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic mathematic courses and basic electromagnetic theory course.
391701 Compute Circuit Analysis (4/3) 컴퓨터회로해석 theory+practice, major elective Group C
To help students understand electronic circuit using PSPICE.
To help students understand electronic circuit using OR-CAD.
To help students practice electronic circuit using PSPICE.
To help students practice electronic circuit using OR-CAD.
Principle of PSPICE, princuple of OR-CAD, electronic circuit design. amplifier design, divider design, filter design, microwave systems. electronic circuit simulation using PSPICE, amplifier simulation using PSPICE, filter simulation using PSPICE.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic mathematic courses.
320201 Digital System Design (4/3) 디지털시스템 설계 lab experimentation, an elective course for major.
To understand the VHDL.
To comprehend digital logic.
To manipulate VHDL compilation tool.
To perceive digital systems.
To recognize VHDL signals and variables.
To construction digital application systems.
To help students who want to know digital system design.
Introduction to digital systems, building digital application design using VHDL, constructing application design for digital system.
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken digital logic circuits, computer architecture and microprocessors.
450101 Application of Wireless Communication (4/3) 무선통신응용 theory+practice, major elective Group C
To help students understand principle of wireless communication.
To help students understand application of wireless communication.
To help students practice application of wireless communication.
To help students practice USN.
Principle of wireless communication, application of wireless communication, ubiqutos sensor network, antenna, local oscillator circuit, receiver circuit, transmitter circuit, filter circuit, transmission line,
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic mathematic courses and data communication course.
367401 Darabase theory and practice (4/3) 데이터베이스 이론 및 실습 theory and practice, elective course for major
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
● Realized the common knowledge for database concepts and architectures
● Understand the basic database concepts and MS-SQL
● Practice the basic database MS-SQL
● Explain the basic concept of memory management
This course deals with the fundamental concepts of current database systems. Contents include the following: storage structure, file access methods, data models (relational, object oriented, object relational), query languages for data models, schema design methods, normalization process, query optimization, concurrency control, crash recovery, and database tuning. Students are required to work on a term project designing and implementing a database system using a commercial DBMS like MS-SQL.
Prerequisites: Datastructure, Database theory and practice
Requirements: Knowledge of Computer architecture
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic theological courses
321401 Mobile and Satellite Communication (3/3) 이동 및 위성통신 theory, major elective Group C
To help students understand the principle of mobile communication.
To help students understand the principle of satellite communication.
To help students understand the application of mobile & satellite communication.
To help students understand PCS telephone.
Principle of mobile communication and satellite communication, cellular and PCS telephone, circuit of mobile telephone receiver, Longley-Rice model for wave propagation loss calculation, principle of GPS system, earth station for satellite communication. IMT-2000, etc.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic mathematic courses and data communication course
368901 Communication System Engineering (3/3) 통신시스템공학 theory, major requirement course
Understand method by step of communication system
For communication system hardware design specification make, design schematic design , PCB Artwork etc..
Cultivate know-how for RF
Learn communication network technologies related to a data transmission technology between computer and various Information-Communication terminal.
In particular, transfer medium, data encode, study about link control technique and a transmission technology of multiplex etc.. and circuit and packet switched data network, local area network, mobile communication network, structure of integrated services digital network and connection protocol etc.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses.
369001 Design communication system (4/3) 통신시스템설계 theory+experimentation, major requirement course
To help students increase their knowledge about the design of embedded system for communication
To learn necessary basis hardware and software design
Wireless system hardware for development architecture and design
Develop I/O driver to run hardware chip
Learn simple RTOS porting
Doing wireless LAN by example Frequency Hopping and Direct Sequence method related to protocol and Wireless
MAC protocol
Modulation-demodulation method
Antenna matching method and equipment usage
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses.
118201 Data Communications (3/3) 데이터통신 theory +practice elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about communication network technology.
To help students achieve CCNA/CCNP/CCIE (Cisco Certified Network Associate/ Cisco Certified Network Professional/ Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert.
The course covers all aspects of the transmission of data across digital communications networks. It considers the technology of Local and Wide Area Networks, the performance of the networks, the protocols that are used, transmission system, mobile communication, the operation of the Internet and TCP/IP protocol.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic courses in communication.
449801 Information and Communication Graduation Project (1/1)정보통신졸업프로젝트 practice, elective course for major
To help students increase their ability of industry technic.
To help students who want to acquire knowledge of system software system developement
To help students increase their ability of industrial technic of hardware development system.
Arguments for the industrial hardware development technic, industrial software development technic, processing ability of information and communication project, practical business affairs of scene.
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken basic theoretical courses.
342401 Linking industry and academia (4/3) 산학연계응용 theory and practice, an elective course for major, teacher credit course
To upgrade a professional capacity for preliminary industrial people
To gain various practical knowledges used in industry
Introduction to various subject used in industry.
Recommended for 4rd year students