Physical Therapy
Go, health care professionals!
A Course of Study
Division | Major | Hour /Unit |
Course Type | (참고) | ||
이론 | 실습 | 계 | ||||
Basic Divisional requirement | Introduction to Rehabilitation Therapy | 2/2 | theory | 2 | - | 2 |
Medical Terminology | 2/2 | theory | 2 | - | 2 | |
Human Anatomy | 3/3 | theory+lab experimentation |
2 | 1 | 3 | |
Biology & Lab | 4/3 | theory+lab experimentation |
2 | 2 | 4 | |
Biochemistry & Lab | 4/3 | theory+lab experimentation |
2 | 2 | 4 | |
Major Electives Group A | Human Physiology | 4/3 | theory+lab experimentation | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Pathology & Lab |
4/3 | theory+lab experimentation | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
Functional Anatomy | 3/3 | theory+lab experimentation | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Neuroanatomy | 3/2 | theory+lab experimentation | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Rehabilitation Psychology | 3/2 | theory | 2 | - | 3 | |
Therapeutic Exercise | 4/3 | theory+practice | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
Physical Agents in Physical Therapy | 4/3 | theory+practice | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
Measure & Evaluation | 4/3 | theory+practice | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
Physical Examination | 3/2 | theory+practice | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Rehabilitation Medicine | 2/2 | theory | 2 | - | 2 | |
Health Statistics | 3/2 | theory+practice | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Major Electives Group B | Applied Therapeutic Exercise | 4/3 | theory+practice | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Human Kinesiology | 3/3 | theory+lab experimentation | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Clinical Neurology | 2/2 | theory | 2 | - | 2 | |
Pediatric Physical Therapy | 4/3 | theory+internship | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
Neurological Physical Therapy | 4/3 | theory+internship | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
PT in Selected Conditions | 4/3 | theory+internship | 2 | 2 | 4 | |
Hydrotherapy & Massage | 3/2 | theory+internship | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Fieldwork for Basic Physical Therapy | 2/1 | theory+internship practice | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Practicum in Rehabilitation1 | 2/2 | theory+internship practice | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Practicum in Rehabilitation2 | 2/2 | theory+internship practice | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Practicum in Rehabilitation3 | 2/2 | theory+internship practice | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Practicum in Rehabilitation4 | 2/2 | theory+internship practice | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Major Electives Group C | Orthotics & Prosthetics | 4/3 | theory+practice | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy | 3/2 | theory+practice | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Health Law & Administration | 2/2 | theory | 2 | - | 2 | |
Orthopedic Physical Therapy | 4/3 | theory+practice | 2 | 2 | 5 | |
Oriental Physical Therapy | 3/2 | theory+practice | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Sports Physical Therapy | 3/2 | theory+practice | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Geriatric Physical Therapy | 3/2 | theory+practice | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Fieldwork for Geriatric Physical Therapy | 2/1 | theory+internship practice | - | 2 | 2 | |
Specific Physical Therapy | 3/2 | theory+practice | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Seminar | 2/1 | theory | 2 | - | 2 | |
Research Methodology | 3/2 | theory | 3 | - | 3 |
3628 Introduction to Rehabilitation Therapy (2/2) theory, general requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the definition, theories, models, evaluation, and intervention of physical therapy
History of physical therapy; definition of physical therapy; theories of physical therapy; patient/client model; tests and measurements (history system review, gait test, balance test, muscle performance, pain assessment, posture, ROM, etc); intervention(documentation, therapeutic exercise, functional training, electrotherapy, traction, etc);
musculoskeletal disease; neurological disease;
Recommended for 1st year students
4157 Medical Terminology (2/2) theory, general requirement
to help students increase their knowledge about basic medical terminology in terms of origins, inter-combination and applications
Basic term components; health care records; integumentary system; musculoskeletal system; cardiovascular system; blood and lymph systems; respiratory system; nervous system; endocrine system; the eye; the ear; gastrointestinal system; urinary system; male reproductive system; female reproductive system
Laboratory dissections will be performed.
Recommended for 1st year students
4156 Human Anatomy (3/3) theory+lab experimentation, general requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the structure and functions of the human body
Basic concepts of anatomy; the skeletal system (I, II & III); articular system; muscular system (I &II); respiratory system; circulatory system (I & II); urinary and reproductive systems; nervous system (I & II); sensory organs and endocrine system.
Recommended for 1st year students who have taken medical terminology.
4097 Biology & Lab (4/3) theory+lab experimentation, general requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the structure and functions of cells
Introduction to biology; cells; cell energy; cell division; DNA & RNA; gene expression; nutrition; respiratory system; muscular system; nerve system
Recommended for 1st year students.
4099 Biochemistry & Lab (4/3) theory+lab experimentation, general requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the structure and functions of cellular components, such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules.
Protein and amino acids; nucleoacid and nucleotide; enzyme; glycogen and metabolism; lipid; citrateacid cycle; electrotransmitter system; hormones; vitamins; biomembrane; body fluid; blood fluid; the liver; organs; digastric and absorption; bone; muscle
Recommended for 1st and 2nd year students who have taken a biology course.
4100 Human Physiology (4/3) theory + lab experimentation, general requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the functions of each system in the body
Homeostasis: the foundation of physiology; cellular physiology; the plasma membrane and membrane potential; neuronal physiology; the central nervous system; the peripheral nervous system: afferent division; special senses; the peripheral nervous system: efferent division; muscle physiology; cardiac physiology; the blood vessels and blood pressure; the blood; the body defenses; the respiratory system; the urinary system; fluid and acid-based balance; the digestive system; energy balance and temperature regulation; principles of endocrinology; the central endocrine glands; the reproductive system
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, and biology & lab courses.
4101 Pathology & Lab (4/3) theory + lab experimentation, general requirement
To provide students with an understanding of the basic cellular and molecular processes that underlie many of the diagnosis' they will encounter as physical therapists and to help students increase their knowledge about the general concepts of pathology followed by modules in clinical genetics, inflammation, immunology, oncology, and infectious disease.
Introduction to concepts of pathology; injury, inflammation, and healing; the immune system, infectious disease; oncology; pathology of the musculoskeletal system(introduction to pathology of the musculoskeletal system, genetic and developmental disorders, metabolic disorders, infectious disease of the musculoskeletal system, musculoskeletal neoplasm, bone, joint, and soft tissue disorders); pathology of the nervous system(introduction to CNS system disorders, infectious disorders of the CNS, CNS neoplasms, degenerative diseases of CNS, stroke, TBI, traumatic SCI, CP), The peripheral nervous system, lab experimentation
(arthritis,stroke, and SCI models)
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, biology & lab, biochemistry & lab, and human physiology courses.
4102 Functional Anatomy (3/3) theory+lab experimentation, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about musculoskeltal anatomy, innervation, blood supply, and action.
Introduction (nervous system, components of the musculoskeletal system, skin and its appendages, early embryology); the upper limbs (bones, muscles, joints, nerve supply, blood supply, lymphatics); the lower limbs (bones, muscles, joints, nerve supply, blood supply, lymphatics); the trunk and neck (bones, muscles, joints, nerve supply, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urogenital system, the endocrine system); head and brain (bones, muscles, joints, the ear, eye and brain)
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken medical terminology and human anatomy courses.
4103 Neuroanatomy (3/2) theory+lab experimentation, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the structure and function of the nervous system
Introduction to neuroscience; physical and electrical properties of cells in the nervous system; synapses and synaptic transmission; neuroplasticity; development of the nervous system; somatosensory system; somatosensation: clinical application; autonomic nervous system; the motor system: motor neurons; basal ganglia, cerebellum, and movement; peripheral nervous system; spinal region; cranial nerves; brainstem region; vestibular and visual systems; cerebrum; cerebrum: clinical applications; support systems: blood supply and cerebrospinal fluid system
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, and functional anatomy courses.
4104 Rehabilitation Psychology (3/2) theory, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about definitions, areas, approaches, and major concepts of psychology in rehabilitation.
Drug addiction, drug treatment and rehabilitation, social work and drug addiction, Religion in everyday life, belief and change: ((Personal construct theory)), research issues and study design, ((Those were the days)), born again, post-conversion bliss, individual profiles, religious drug rehabilitation: St. Stephen's society, a personally constructed theory of drug addiction and drug rehabilitation, relapse, religion and healing
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, and neuroanatomy
4105 Therapeutic Exercise (4/3) theory+practice, major requirement
To increase the students's technical skills in applying, planning and progressing an exercise program with patients experiencing primarily dysfunction in acute, subacute, and chronic settings
Therapeutic exercise: fundational concepts; prevention, health and wellness; range of motion; stretching for impaired mobility; peripheral joint mobilization; resistance exercises for impaired muscle performance; principles of aerobic exercise;
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, and neuroanatomy
4106 Physical Agents in Physical Therapy (4/3) theory+practice, theory+practice
To increase the students's ability to apply thermal, mechanical, electromagnetic, and hydrodynamic therapeutic procedures in the proper techniques associated with application of physical agents
Introduction to physical agents, inflammation and repair, pain, motion restrictions, tone abnormalities, thermal agents: physical principles, cold and superficial heat, hydrotherapy, traction and compression, ultrasound, electromagnetic radiation, electrical currents, selecting the ideal physical agents for patient treatment, directions for future research on the use of physical agents in rehabilitation
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken physics, medical terminology, human anatomy, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, and pathology & lab
4107 Measure & Evaluation (4/3) theory+practice, major requirement
To increase the students's ability to evaluate patients by using manual muscle tests and ROM measurements
Principles of manual muscle testing; testing the muscles of the neck; testing the muscles of the trunk; testing the muscles of the upper extremity; testing the muscles of the lower extremity; the testing of infants, toddlers, and preschool children; assessment of muscles innervated by cranial nerves; upright motor control; ready reference anatomy
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, and pathology & lab
4797 Physical Examination (3/2) theory+practice, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about physical assessment and differential diagnosis
Physical examination of the shoulder; physical examination of the elbow; physical examination of the wrist and hand; physical examination of the cervical spine and temporomandibular joint; examination of gait; physical examination of the hip and pelvis; physical examination of the knee; physical examination of the foot and ankle; physical examination of the lumbar spine
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, and pathology & lab
4109 Rehabilitation Medicine (2/2) theory, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about various diseases seen in rehabilitation clinics
Overview; clinical evaluation; electrodiagnosis; gait analysis; cognitive and neuropsychological assessment; functional evaluation; disability evaluation; physical therapy; occupational therapy; exercise therapy; injection therapy; drug therapy; functional electrical stimulation therapy; orthosis; prosthesis; wheelchair and aids; swallowing disorder; speech and language disorders; spasticity; neurogenic bladder and bowel; immobilization syndrome; pressure ulcer; heterotopic ossification; sexual dysfunction; rehabilitation of stroke; rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury; rehabilitation of degenerative brain disease; rehabilitation of spinal cord injury; rehabilitation of cerebral palsy; rehabilitation of neuromuscular disease in children; low back pain and neck pain; upper extremity pain; lower extremity pain; foot pain; myofascial pain; chronic pain; rehabilitation of arthritis; rehabilitation after fracture and arthroplasty; osteoporosis; sports rehabilitation; rehabilitation of peripheral neuropathy; cardiopulmonary rehabilitation; cancer rehabilitation; geriatric rehabilitation
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, and pathology & lab
4359 Health Statistics (3/2) theory+practice, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about statistics in health care research
Statistics for health care research; The statistical approach: when should it be applied?; Measuring, sampling and errors; Questionnaires; The studies; Descriptive statistics; Displaying data; Hypothesis testing; Distributions and probabilities; Making predictions; Testing for differences between means; Errors and ANOVAs; Not normal; Non-parametric tests; Tests for association (1)Chi-square; Tests for association (2)Correlation and regression; Analysing data from systematic reviews; Choosing test statistics
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken((???))
4798 Applied Therapeutic Exercise (4/3) theory+practice, major requirement
Exercise for impaired balance; aquatic exercise; soft tissue injury, repair, and management; joint, connective tissue, bone disorders and management; surgical interventions and postoperative management; peripheral nerve disorders and management; the spine and posture: structure, function, postural impairments, and management guidelines; the spine: impairments, diagnoses, and management guidelines; the spine: exercise interventions; the shoulder and shoulder girdle; the elbow and forearm complex; the wrist and hand; the hip; the knee; the ankle and foot
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken therapeutic exercises
4108 Human Kinesiology (3/3) theory+lab experimentation, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about anthopometry, arthrology, statics and principles of connective tissue and muscle mechanics
Essential topics of kinesiology - getting started; basic structure and function of the joints; muscle: the ultimate force generator in the body; biomechanical principles; upper extremity - shoulder complex; elbow and forearm complex; wrist; hand; axial skeleton - axial skeleton: osteology and arthrology; axial skeleton: muscle and joint interactions; kinesiology of mastication and ventilation; lower extremity - hip; knee; ankle and foot; kinesiology of walking
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, and pathology & lab
4360 Clinical Neurology (2/2) theory, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about the pathologic process and symptomotology of neurologic disorders commonly seen by physical therapists
Introduction to clinical case presentations; neuroanatomy overview and basic definitions; the neurologic exam as a lesson in neuroanatomy; introduction to clinical neuroradiology; brain and environs:cranium, ventricles, and meninges; corticospinal tract and other motor pathways; somatosensory pathways; spinal verve roots; major plexuses and peripheral nerves; cerebral hemispheres and vascular supply; visual system; brainstem I:surface anatomy and cranial nerves; brainstem Ⅱ:eye movements and pupillary control; brainstem Ⅲ:internal structures and vascular supply; cerebellum; basal ganglia; pituitary and hypothalamus; limbic system:homeostasis, olfaction, memory, and emotion; higher-order cerebral function
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, and neuroanatomy
4111 Pediatric Physical Therapy (4/3) theory+practice, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about common pathological conditions, normal development and family-centered care to provide interventions for children with disabilities and their families
Serving the needs of children and their families; child development and appraisal; family-centered intervention; musculoskeletal system: structure, function, and evaluation; considerations and interventions for specific pediatric pathologies; neuromuscular system: structures, functions, diagnoses, and evaluation; neuromuscular system: the plan of care; the cardiopulmonary system; integumentary system; early intervention; schools; sports settings for the school-aged child; the pediatric acute-care hospital; the neonatal intensive care unit; rehabilitation settings; assistive technology: positioning and mobility; assistive technology: augmentative communication and other technologies; case study: cerebral palsy; case study: cystic fibrosis; down syndrome; pediatric leukemia; duchenne muscular dystrophy
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology
4901 Neurological Physical Therapy (4/3) theory+practice, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about principles of neurologic differential diagnosis and evidence-based rehabilitation interventions of focal neurologic disorders
Plasticity in motor and cognitive networks; biologic mechanisms for recovery; neurological rehabilitation team; assessment of gait deviations; assessment and outcome measures; problems of medical management; stroke; spinal cord injury; traumatic brain injury; other neurologic disorders
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology
4119 PT in Selected Conditions (4/3) theory+practice, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the treatment of fractures, osteoporosis, burns, amputations, and so on
The responsibilities of being a physiotherapist; musculoskeletal assessment; an introduction to fractures; management of burns and plastic surgery; physiotherapy in women's health; biomechanics; osteoporosis; physiotherapy in thoracic surgery; cardiac disease; management of respiratory diseases; adult spontaneous and conventional mechanical ventilation; cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation; tissue inflammation and repair; the physiotherapy management of inflammation, tissue healing and repair; neurological physiotherapy; massage; exercise in rehabilitation; electrotherapy; pain; common chronic inflammatory polyarthropathies; physiotherapy management of ankylosing spondylitis; the research process; changing relationships for promoting health; upper and lower limb joint arthroplasty; physiotherapy for people with amputations
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology
4799 Hydrotherapy & Massage (3/2) theory+practice, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the principles and methods of hydrotherapy and to help students increase their knowledge about the principles and methods of clinical massage therapy
Approaching hydrotherapy and clinical massage therapy; approaching assessment; the head, face and neck; the shoulder, chest, and upper back; the arm and hand; the vertebral column; the low back and abdomen; the pelvis; the leg, ankle, and foot
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken physics, medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology
4117 Fieldwork for Basic Physical Therapy (2/1) theory+internship practice, major elective
To provide students with basic clinical experiences in a rehabilitation hospital
Basic clinical experiences are coordinated to correspond to the academic content presented during the current semester or the previous year's coursework; the clinical instructor will facilitate the student in the clinic
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, pediatric physical therapy, and neurological physical therapy
5038 Practicum in Rehabilitation1 (2/2) theory+internship practice, major requirement
To provide students with clinical experiences in a variety of settings
The various clinical experiences are coordinated to correspond to the academic content presented during the current semester or the previous year's coursework; the clinical instructor will facilitate the student in the clinic
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, pediatric physical therapy, neurological physical therapy, PT in selected conditions, hydrotherapy & massage, and orthotics & prosthetics
5039 Practicum in Rehabilitation2 (2/2) theory+internship practice, major requirement
To provide students with clinical experiences in a variety of settings
Various clinical experiences are coordinated to correspond to the academic content presented during the current semester or the previous year's coursework; the clinical instructor will facilitate the student in the clinic
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, pediatric physical therapy, neurological physical therapy, PT in selected conditions, hydrotherapy & massage, and orthotics & prosthetics
5040 Practicum in Rehabilitation3 (2/2) theory+internship practice, major requirement
To provide students with clinical experiences in a variety of settings
Various clinical experiences are coordinated to correspond to the academic content presented during the current semester or the previous year's coursework; the clinical instructor will facilitate the student in the clinic
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, pediatric physical therapy, neurological physical therapy, PT in selected conditions, hydrotherapy & massage, and orthotics & prosthetics
5041 Practicum in Rehabilitation 4 (2/2) theory+internship practice, major requirement
To provide students with clinical experiences in a variety of setti
Various clinical experiences are coordinated to correspond to the academic content presented during the current semester or the previous year's coursework; the clinical instructor will facilitate the student in the clinic
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, pediatric physical therapy, neurological physical therapy, PT in selected conditions, hydrotherapy & massage, and orthotics & prosthetics
4121 Orthotics & Prosthetics (4/3) theory+practice,major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the materials and mechanics of prostheses and to help students increase their knowledge about the materials and mechanics of orthotics
Introduction to prosthetics and orthotics; methods, materials, and mechanics; biomechanics of the lower limb; below-knee amputations and prostheses; above-knee amputations and prostheses; hip disarticulation amputation; lower limb orthotics; upper-extremity prosthetics; upper-extremity orthotics; juvenile amputees; spinal orthotics
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, therapeutic exercise, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology,
5042 Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy (3/2) theory+practice, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about the treatment of patients with a wide range of cardiovascular and pulmonary diagnoses
Assessment and investigations of patient's problems; thoracic imaging; cardiopulmonary function testing; monitoring and interpreting medical investigation; effects of positioning and mobilization; physiotherapy techniques; patient's problems, management and outcomes; interpersonal aspects of care: communication, counselling and health education
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology
4509 Health Law & Administration (2/2) theory, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about medical law and administration
Medical law; Institutional types/Practice environments; Accrediting agencies; Regulatory agencies; Reimbursement/Third party payers; Medical records; Department/personnel management: Budgets-Fiscal management of physical therapy services; Quality assurance/Improvement: professional standards: Care giver definitions/roles; Illegal practice and malpractice;
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken(())
4113 Orthopedic Physical Therapy (4/3) theory+practice, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about physical examination and differential diagnosis in orthopedic disorders
Introduction to orthopedic physical therapy; concepts of the evaluation process & practice; mobilization of the nervous system; practice for nerve mobilization-upper part; practice for nerve mobilization-lower part; lumbar stabilization; practice for lumbar stabilization technique; muscle energy technique; practice for MFR & MET; mulligan technique; practice for mulligan technique
Recommended for 3rd year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology
4115 Oriental Physical Therapy (3/2) theory+practice, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about the principles and application of oriental physical therapy
Introduction to oriental physical therapy; history of oriental medicine; the principles of Yin and Yang; meridian pathways; acupuncture; chiropratic
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, and rehabilitation medicine
4116 Sports Physical Therapy (3/2) theory+practice, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about the assessment and treatment of sports injuries
Foundations of sports injury care; Injury assessment and rehabilitation; Conditions to the axial region; Upper extremity; Lower extremity; Special considerations
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology,
4800 Geriatric Physical Therapy (3/2) theory+practice, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about the specific problems and treatments of the elderly
Physiological considerations; Pathokinesiological manifestations and therapeutic intervention; Aging and the pathological sensorium: Specific problems; Special physical therapeutic intervention techniques: Physiology/Pathology and ethics of death and dying; The rehabilitation team
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, and neurological physical therapy
4801 Fieldwork for Geriatric Physical Therapy (2/1) theory+internship practice, major elective
To provide students with clinical experiences of the assessment and treatment of elderly patients
Clinical experiences are coordinated to correspond to the academic content presented during the current semester or the previous year's coursework; the clinical instructor will facilitate the student in the clinic
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, neurological physical therapy, and geriatric physical therapy
4802 Specific Physical Therapy (3/2) theory+practice, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about women's diseases, vascular disorders of the extremities, and pulmonary conditions
Women's health: obstetrics and pelvic floor; management of vascular disorders of the extremities; management of pulmonary conditions
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, and human kinesiology
4803 Seminar (2/1) theory, major elective
To help students increase their ability to read and discuss current scientific papers
review current physical therapy related papers
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, pediatric physical therapy, and neurological physical therapy
4485 Research Methodology (3/2) theory, major requirement
To help students increase their knowledge about research design and statistics
Basic principles of research; introduction; Research design and statistics; Questionnaires, surveys and sampling; The nature of the data: Techniques of descriptive statistics; Testing hypotheses; Designing your study; Sources of error in research; Matching the research design to the statistical test; Putting the theory into practice; Writing up the research for publication; Reading published research critically; Statistical tests
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken medical terminology, human anatomy, human physiology, functional anatomy, neuroanatomy, pathology & lab, therapeutic exercise, physical agents in physical therapy, measure & evaluation, physical examination, applied therapeutic exercise, human kinesiology, pediatric physical therapy, and neurological physical therapy