Cultivate creaiive and talented individuals with Christian human values who can lead the trends of informationalization and globalzation!
A Course of Study
Division | Major | Hour/Unit | Course Type |
Basic Divisional requirement | Introduction to Management |
3/3 | theory |
Introduction to Economics | 3/3 | theory | |
Introduction to Accounting | 3/3 | theory | |
Introduction to International Commerce and Trade | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group A | Internet Basics | 3/3 | theory+practice |
Office Data Processing | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Management Information Systems | 3/3 | theory | |
Management Statistics | 3/3 | theory | |
Operations Research | 3/3 | theory | |
Production Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Marketing Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Financial Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Human Resource Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group B | Database | 3/3 | theory+practice |
Digital Image Application | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Electronic Commerce | 3/3 | theory | |
Strategic Management | 3/3 | theory | |
International Business Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Small Business Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Marketing Research | 3/3 | theory | |
Investments | 3/3 | theory | |
Organizational Behavior | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group C | Internet Shopping Mall Management | 3/3 | theory |
Decision Support Systems | 3/3 | theory | |
Technology Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Distribution Channel Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Financial Markets | 3/3 | theory | |
Venture Business Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Total | 28 Course | 84/84 |
102201 Introduction to Management (3/3) 경영학원론 theory, general elective course for major
To help students understand and discuss the elements of effective management and to identify environmental issues as they impact management and develop strategies to adapt to these environments
Introduction to Management is an introductory course examining the role of the manager in modern business. This course presents a thorough and systematic coverage of management theory and practice. It focuses on the basic roles, skills and functions of management.
Recommended for 1st year students
102401 Introduction to Economics (3/3) 경제학원론 theory, general elective course for major
To help students gain a greater foothold on the principles of economics and to help students who want to major in business administration, accounting, international trading and e-business, attain a more comprehensive knowledge of economics
Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics aims to explain how economies work and how economic agents interact. The subject of economics involves the study of choices as they are affected by incentives and resources. Economic analysis is applied throughout society, in business and finance but also in crime, education, the family, health, law, politics, religion, social institutions, and war.
Recommended for 1st year students
266601 Introduction to Accounting (3/3) 회계학원론 theory, Basic Divisional requirement
To help students gain a sound knowledge about the fundamentals of accounting
Concepts' and standards' underlying roles in accounting in business
Recommended for 1st year students
365201 Introduction to International Commerce and Trade (3/3) 국제통상학원론 theory, general requirement
To help students understand why trade takes place, how trade creates wealth, the international movement of goods, services and finances, trade concepts including balance of payments, foreign exchange, productivity, and factors of production and international organizations
Introduces students to the concepts of international trade theory, the international trading system, international trade procedure, economic integration through trade and investment, commercial policy, balance of payments, exchange rate determination and its fluctuation, open economy macroeconomics, and trade and growth.
448601 Internet Basics (3/3) 인터넷기초 theory + practice, elective course for major.
To have students understand what the Internet is including the history of the Internet, resources available on the Internet, definition of e-mail, newsgroups, chats, Web and Netiquette, etc. and to provide students with different ways to access the Internet as well as to perform searches using Internet search tools.
The course is an introduction to the Internet including e-mail, the World Wide Web (WWW) and how to perform basic research to address company and business needs. Topics include accessing and navigating the Internet, covering concepts, terms, tools, and services such as Internet Service providers (ISP’s), newsgroups and chat rooms. Students learn how to browse and search the Internet successfully using popular browsers and search tools.
Fundamentals of PC use including orientation of Windows or an equivalent experience. Also, students are expected to have a basic knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The course is recommended for students in their 1st or 2nd year of studies.
365301 Office Data Processing (3/3) 사무자료처리 theory + practice, elective course for major.
To help students gain mastery of advanced features of Microsoft Office Suite version to help students take Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams.
Students will acquire skills in major software applications used in professional environments: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and database software. After completion of this course, students are able to; 1) use advanced features (e.g. graphics, merging, templates, hyperlinks, tables, formatting and columns) of Microsoft Word to prepare various professional documents; 2) use Microsoft Excel to create various business documents using advanced features (calculations, functions, assumptions and goal seeking); and 3) use Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentation slides; and 4) use Microsoft Access to develop databases.
Fundamentals of PC use including orientation to Windows or equivalent experience. The course is recommended for students in their 1st or 2nd year of studies.
Management Information Systems (3/3) MIS론 theory, elective course for major.
To provide students with a basic understanding of Management Information Systems (MIS) and their applications in today's business environment and to introduce the core concepts and frameworks in Management Information Systems (MIS) associated with new types of products, production processes, organizational structures and competitive strategies that are enabled by the use of Information Technology (IT).
The course is mainly designed for students who need to understand the role and potential contribution of Management Information Systems (MIS) and Information Technology (IT). More specifically, students study the concepts of MIS and the related theories and discuss various cases of successful IT implementation. Also, the course deals with different kinds of computer-based information systems commonly used in business such as transaction processing systems, database management systems, decision support and executive information systems.
There are no specific course prerequisites and requirements. However, students are expected to have basic knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point and the basic use of Internet browsers. The course is recommended for students in their 1st or 2nd year of studies.
102101 Management Statistics (3/3) 경영통계학 theory, elective course for major.
To provide students with a basic understanding of statistics as well as statistical thinking and to present an overview of basic statistical techniques commonly used in business decisions.
The topics covered in this course will include frequency distributions, basic descriptive statistics, correlation, probability distributions, sampling and statistical inference. The application of these techniques in solving business problems is emphasized and computer software like Microsoft Excel and Minitab are used in class.
Prerequisites, Requirements, Recommendations (3/3) 경영과학 theory, elective course for major.
To provide students with a philosophy of problem solving in a logical manner related to business administration problems and to help students model various business cases using appropriate mathematical modeling techniques.
Operations Research (OR) explains the techniques for solving problems in business administration using mathematical and probabilistic principles and gives an opportunity to apply them to the decision making process. Focusing on Operations Research modeling skills, this course will cover linear programming, simplex methods, sensitivity analysis, transportation models, integer programming, network flow models and others (if time permits). Each lecture will proceed with the following steps: problem description, understanding the problem, model building, solving the problem, sensitivity analysis and result interpretation. The most important parts are model building and result interpretation.
There are no specific course prerequisites and requirements. However, students are expected to have basic knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point. The course is recommended for students in their 1st or 2nd year of studies.
214201 Production Management (3/3) 생산관리론 theory, general elective
- to help students increase their knowledge about the basic concept and essence of manufacturing and operations activity
Management of operations functions is the main subject of this course. Exploring the role of operations within organizations and what operations managers do.
- introduction to management
213701 Marketing Management (3/3) 마케팅관리론 theory + case study, major elective
- to understand the complexities of decisions in marketing management
- to understand frameworks for analyzing markets, customers, and competitors
- to demonstrate how information technology and the global economy relate to marketing management
- to integrate concepts with an original marketing plan
Marketing management is about managing the 4Ps for a company or organization. This course will introduce product, place, pricing, and promotional decisions facing a firm. Students will understand about marketing concepts, and principles and issues are analyzed within present economic, social and legal environments.
Open to all, Principles of Management
213801 Financial Management (3/3) 재무관리론 theory, major elective
The class is designed to be the first course in corporate finance. No previous knowledge of finance is assumed. Students are going to learn about the basic concepts of financing and investment decisions of a typical corporation.
Financial Management introduces the basic concepts regarding a firm's investment, financing, and asset management decisions. Topics include the time value of money, risk and return, working capital management, capital budgeting, capital structure and dividend policy.
Basic courses, Principles of Accounting
214101 Human Resource Management (3/3) 인사관리론 theory, major elective
To help students gain both a deeper understanding and the skills to work effectively in recruiting, motivating, and empowering personnel within the company in which they find employment.
Topics covered are main issues of classic and contemporary HRM, types of personalities, job-person match, work ethics, job description, contracts, conflict management, professional stress, recruitment and selection process, testing and employment interviews, performance evaluation, motivation and reward strategies, attitudes in the workplace, job satisfaction, and work relations.
Open to all, Recommended for beginners
219201 Database (3/3) 데이터베이스론 theory + practice, elective course for major.
To help students develop an understanding of the role of data modeling, file management and database systems in information systems and to provide students with the basic elements of conceptual data models including entities, relationships and attributes, etc..
This is an introductory database course where basic topics of database are covered including conceptual data models, query languages, integrity constraints, database design, storage structures and transaction processing, etc. Using SQL queries of relational databases, students practice important topics discussed in class.
There are no specific course prerequisites and requirements. However, students are expected to have basic knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Also, students who have good skills of managing Microsoft ACCESS are preferred in this course. The course is recommended for students in their 2nd or 3rd year of studies.
교과목코드 Digital Image Application (3/3) 영상정보활용 theory+practice, elective course for major.
To help students understand and utilize digital imaging software like Photoshop and to understand computerized bit-mapped imaging, file formatting, image and file resolution.
In this course, students will concentrate their learning on image oriented graphics and design in a computerized bit-mapped format including image editing, color correction, photo-restoration, digital collage, preparing and optimizing images for the Internet. The acquisition of digital images is through scanning, imported graphics and photographs, photo CDs and digital photography.
There are no specific course prerequisites and requirements, however, students are expected to have basic knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point and the basic use of Internet browsers. The course is recommended for students in their 2nd or 3rd year of studies.
215901 Electronic Commerce (3/3) 전자상거래론 theory, elective course for major.
To help students learn about the concepts and business models associated with Electronic Commerce and to expose students to current and emerging technologies, managerial issues, standards and best practices relating to electronic commerce.
This course will offer an examination of the important issues, technologies, standards and business and social implications of electronic commerce in cyberspace. Some key topics include the history of the Internet, managing electronic commerce funds transfer, the future of business through electronic commerce, business opportunities in electronic commerce, electronic commerce web site design, social, political and ethical issues associated with electronic commerce and business plans for technology ventures.
There are no specific course prerequisites and requirements. However, students are expected to have basic knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point and the basic use of Internet browsers. The course is recommended for students in their 2nd or 3rd year of studies.
214501 Strategic Management (3/3) 경영전략론 theory, general elective
To help students increase their understanding and knowledge about the basic concepts and essentials of strategy
This course provides an integrated view of the field of strategic management to help students understand not only the threats and opportunities but also a firm's organizational strengths and weaknesses.
Introduction to Management
교과목코드 International Business Management (3/3) 국제경영론 theory, major requirement
students are expected to learn about the world of international business and management by studying cultural influences, government, and business structures in our global economy, trade relations, international finance, legal, and labor agreements; production systems, marketing and promotion, and career planning.
Examines theories on the global movement of goods and services, factors of production, management skills, and on the management strategies employed by multinational firms.
215401 Small Business Management (3/3) 중소기업경영론 theory + case study, major elective
To help students to understand the franchising concept, develop a comprehensive business plan, identify key characteristics of consumer behavior, understand the working-capital cycle of a small business, and understand the importance of an exit strategy.
This course incorporates current theory and practice relating to starting and managing small firms. It provides comprehensive coverage of critical small business issues, and numerous real-world examples to help students understand how to apply the business management concepts presented in the text
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic courses in management.
278501 Marketing Research (3/3) 마케팅조사론 theory, practice + case study, major elective
To teach students who want to become marketing managers the need for market research
- to teach students research design
- to help students who want to operate SPSS programs for data analysis
- to go through an experience in the marketing field using a case study
research design, questionnaire design, measurement & scaling, sampling, data analysis, SPSS program, presentation.
principles of marketing, statistics
214901 Investments (3/3) 투자론 theory, major elective
To help students understand the foundations of investment decision making
This course is an introduction to asset pricing and capital markets and is designed to provide the students with an understanding of our financial markets, financial instruments, basic valuation principles and systematic investment management. The fundamental economic concepts, financial theory and other major topics covered in the course include: the principle of no arbitrage, risk and risk aversion, the risk-return trade-off, the concept of diversification and the efficient frontier, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, the notion of market efficiency, the term structure of interest rates, the notion of forward rates, the expectations hypothesis, portfolio performance evaluation, and applications of portfolio management. Topics include operations of financial markets, analysis of financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, options and futures, various models of the capital asset pricing, and investment strategies.
Introductory economics, statistics, and finance courses.
165501 Organizational Behavior (3/3) 조직행위론 theory, major electiv
To give students an understanding of organizational behavior in corporations by introducing relevant concepts and theory and their use in the solution of specific problems and situations
Principal concepts and theories within the field of organizational behavior. There are three main subject areas. The individual in the organization: Personal differences such as personality, values, perception, motivation and stress. Groups and social processes: Communication, group dynamics, team, management, decision making, power and conflicts. Organizational processes: National cultural differences, organization culture, change management, learning and knowledge, social responsibility and ethics of the company.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic Organizational Behavior courses.
교과목코드 Internet Shopping Mall Management (3/3) 인터넷쇼핑몰관리 theory, elective course for major.
To help students learn about the concepts and critical issues and components relating to Internet shopping mall management and to help students gain a fundamentally sound working knowledge of Internet Shopping Mall Web page development as well as its management.
This course is designed to acquaint students with Internet and web-based shopping mall design, development and management. The course encompasses a brief examination of Internet and Web concepts, terminology and access tools. The bulk of the course will be devoted to Internet and web-based shopping mall design, development and management.
There are no specific course prerequisites and requirements. However, students are expected to have basic knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point and the basic use of Internet browsers. The course is recommended for students in their 3rd or 4th year of studies.
245201 Decision Support Systems (3/3) 의사결정지원시스템 theory, elective course for major.
To review and clarify the fundamental terms, concepts and theories associated with decision support systems, computerized decision aids, expert systems, group support systems and executive information systems and to examine examples and case studies documenting computer support for organizational decision making and various planning, analysis and control tasks.
The course targets students who want more expertise in developing, managing and using decision support systems. This course will examine the design, development and implementation of information technology-based systems that support managerial and professional work. Also, the role of decision support systems is explored in supporting organization goals and the impact of information systems on organizations.
There are no specific course prerequisites and requirements. However, students are expected to have basic knowledge of computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point and the basic use of Internet browsers. The course is recommended for students in their 3rd or 4th year of studies.
338101 Technology Management (3/3) 기술경영론 theory, general elective
To help students increase their understanding and knowledge about the basic concepts and essence of technology management
This course deals with issues of technology and innovation. The main subject of this course is how to acquire, develop and allocate organizations's resources to gain a competitive advantage.
Introduction to Management
365401 Distribution Management (3/3) 유통론 theory + case study, major elective
To help students develop an understanding of the functions and institutions of distribution, managing channel relationships, and to discuss special topics on distribution strategy
Distribution management focuses on aspects of the structure of distribution and sales channels. This course deals with the elements and management of distribution. This course will introduce distribution concepts, and histories and issues are analyzed within present economic, social and legal environments.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken major electives courses A and B in Marketing.
224601 Financial Markets (3/3) 금융시장론 theory , major elective course
To help students develop a well-balanced knowledge about the mechanism and the function of financial markets, the financial organizations that facilitate the trade of financial securities, and the coming together of buyers and sellers to trade financial securities.
A financial market is a mechanism that allows people to easily buy and sell (trade) financial securities (such as stocks and bonds), commodities (such as precious metals or agricultural goods), and other tangible items of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect the efficient market hypothesis.
In finance, financial markets facilitate the raising of capital (in the capital markets), the transfer of risk (in the derivatives markets), and international trade (in the currency markets)
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in Financial management and Investments.
265301 Venture Business Management (3/3) 벤처창업론 theory + case study, major elective
Students will be expected to analyze the characteristics, motivations, and behaviors of consumers, apply economic concepts when making decisions for an entrepreneurial venture, and develop a management plan for an entrepreneurial venture.
This course covers principles involved in opening and operating a small venture business. Topics include developing a product and/or service, selecting a location for your business, purchasing or buying, physical distribution, promotion and selling, and pricing. The students develop a business plan and actually work in developing their own business.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken major electives courses A and B in management.