Early Chidhood Education
Cultivate talented teachers with Christian human values, cresative and pradctical knowledge!
A Course of Study
Division | Major | Hour/Unit | Course Type |
Basic Divisional requirement | Introduction to Early Childhood Education | 3/3 | theory |
Child Development | 3/3 | theory | |
Early Childhood Teacher Education | 3/3 | theory | |
Play and Early Childhood Education | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
History of Early Childhood Educational Ideas | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group A | Child Welfare | 3/3 | theory |
Music Education for Young Children | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Musical instrument Lesson | p | practice | |
Math Education for Young Children | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Art Education for Young children | 3/3 | practice | |
Chiild Literature | 3/3 | practice | |
Field Practicum1 | 1/1 | internship | |
Language Arts in Early Childhood Education | 3/3 | practice | |
Curriculum for Early Childhood Education | 3/3 | theory | |
Logical thinking and writing | 2/2 | theory+practice | |
Major Electives Group B | Science Education for Young Children | 3/3 | theory+practice |
Field Practicum2 | 1/1 | internship | |
Physical and Movement Education for Young Children | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Christian Education for Young Children | 3/3 | practice | |
Program Development and Evaluation for Infant and Young Children | 3/3 | theory | |
Musical instrumental accompaniment | 2/2 | practice | |
Field studies of Early Childhood Education | 3/3 | practice | |
Computer Education for Young Children | 3/3 | practice | |
Observation and Study of Children's behavior | 3/3 | practice | |
Instructional Methods for young Children | 3/3 | practice | |
Major Electives Group C | Management for Early Educational Institution | 3/3 | theory |
Social development of Young Children | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Educational Technology in Early Childhood Education | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Health Education for Children | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Education for Special children | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Seminar for Early Childhood Education | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Internship Program | 3/3 | practice | |
Mental Health | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Parents Education | 3/3 | theory | |
Practices in Child Care and Education | 2/2 | internship | |
Subject Education ((appoacher)) for young children | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Study and Learning methods for subjets with materials | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Total | 37 | 101 |
223101 Early Childhood Teacher Education (유아교사론) (3hours/3unit) theory major requirement
Course Goal
To search the process of becoming an early childhood teacher in aspects of children, teachers, parents and the society.Course Content
A study of theories and education courses that enhance the specialty of early childhood teachers and develop required humanities and capabilities to establish identity of early childhood teachers who lead humanization, unification and information-oriented education.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for first year students142801 Art Education for Young children (유아미술교육) (3hours/3unit) practice major elective
Course Goal
To study the role of teachers as children's companions by learning the theories and practices of art education which is another communication tool for children.Course Content
A search of recent theories on art education for young children and various and creative practices of art education for young children in connection with art education for elementary school students. Establish plans to utilize art on emotional development and human nature building for children and apply the various mediums and methods in the field through workshops.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for second year students283201 Field Practicum 1 (관찰 및 실습1) (1hours/1unit) internship major requirement
Course Goal
To learn theories needed to utilize the necessary observation method for early childhood guidance and gain practical experiences.Course Content
Student teaching experience that involves learning different kinds of observation and recording methods and practicing observations at kindergartens to apply the theories studied at school and prepare internships.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for third year students328401 Field studies of Early Childhood Education (유아교육현장연구) (3hours/3unit )internship major elective
Course Goal
To experience technical ability of early childhood teachers and teach to establish theories recreated in the field.Course Content
Experience variety of early childhood education field with an opportunity to practice applying the theories in the field to be prepared for internships and to maximize abilities.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for third year students신설교과목 Instructional Methods for young Children (영유아교수방법) (3hours/3unit) practice major elective
Course Goal
To research various communication methods to support initiative lives of young children who are already capable.Course Content
Practices of education plans, roles of teachers, environmental compositions and specialty in recording for children through internships in fields.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for third year students328501 Internship Program (유아교육현장참여프로그램) (3hours/3unit) internship major elective
Course Goal
To experience lives with children in early childhood education fields to enhance abilities of preservice teachers.Course Content
Understand the method of supporting lives of children and kindergartens courses and learn to support children-centered education.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for third year students143801 Practices in Child Care and Education (보육실습) (2hours/2unit) internship major elective
Course Goal
Develop abilities of child care teachers through internships at child care centers.Course Content
Learn actual practices by applying theories learned in courses that are required to be early childhood education to children at actual early childhood education centers.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for fourth year students419701 Child Literature (아동문학) (3hours/3unit) practice major elective
Course Goal
To make children's lives rich with literature by loving and enjoying literature as teachers.Course Content
A study of theories on child literature and enjoying and experiencing various illustrated books to find ways to apply literature effectively in early childhood education field. Also, students learn the characteristics of the mediums that deliver literature effectively to children though internships about methods of making and teaching the mediums.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for first year students223101 Computer Education for Young Children (유아컴퓨터교육) (3hours/3unit) practice major elective
Course Goal
To learn theories and practices of making effective use of multimedia for education courses as early childhood teachers to apply them in the actual field.Course Content
Study theories on computer education for children and practical skills to utilize computers effectively and develop skills to distinguish various contents for children to use them effectively and appropriately for education courses.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for third year students345301 Subject Education appoacher for young children (교과교육론) (3hours/3unit) theory+practice major requirement
Course Goal
To study theories on teaching and learning methods of early childhood education and find effective ways to apply to each educational activity of early childhood education courses.Course Content
An opportunity to prepare education plans, organize classroom environment, manage daily work and evaluate education plans and operations that are appropriate for development, interest and environment for children by studying the theories and actual cases of each activity of kindergarten educational courses.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for third year students345801 Study and Learning methods for subjects with materials (교과교재연구 및 지도법) (3hours/3unit) theory+practice major requirement
Course Goal
Enhance ability to develop and prepare teaching methods and mediums based on the theories of teaching and learning methods of early childhood education.Course Content
Experience preparing education plans, organizing classroom environment, managing daily work and evaluating education plans and operations that are appropriate for development, interest and environment for children and learn specific teaching and learning methods and search ways to adopt in the field by studying and preparing teaching mediums that are needed in operating these education courses.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for third year students268101 Educational Technology in Early Childhood Education (유아교육공학) (3hours/3unit )theory+practice major elective
Course Goal
To study educational technology and teaching mediums and learn characteristics of effective teaching mediums for children and methods of making effective teaching mediums to be applied in actual education field.Course Content
Develop and apply various teaching mediums effectively based on education technological theories within the courses considering the developmental characteristics of children and environmental factors of the educational institutions.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for third, fourth year students276301 Musical instrument Lesson(기악레슨) (1hour/0 unit "Pass or "Fail") practice, course for major
Course Goal
To help students understand the meaning of 'musical instrument lesson' in children education, the basic theory of music (definition, elements, properties, signs), rhythm, time, harmony etc., proper postures for playing the piano, such as the positions of hands and finger regularity, dynamic, musicality etc., improve their ability to read music through enough practice, and have the necessary basic practical ability needed to play the piano for children's songsCourse Content
Basic practical abilities for teachers to teach children. Provision of enough practice based on the basic musical theory. Development of the ability to accompany children's songs through lessons by individuals and levelsPrerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for beginners, mainly for freshmen. Students who have taken this course can take the course 'Musical instrumental accompaniment'.267303 기악(Musical instrumental accompaniment) (2 hour/ 2 unit) practice, course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To help students understand the meaning and role of accompaniment in children's songs, play various forms of accompaniment used in children's songs, analyze the contents, characteristics, formats, and atmosphere of a song and apply various forms of accompaniment to go with the song, sing a song to their own accompaniment, and play the piano for all the other necessary songs as well as children's songs in teaching childrenCourse Content
This course is for teachers who want to teach children through systematic musical experience. Playing the piano according to the formats, contents, and atmosphere of children's songs based on the basic theory and practical ability obtained from the course 'musical instrument lesson'. Playing the piano with confidence and proficiency for all the other necessary songs(folk songs, a short piece music etc.) other than children's songs. Provision of lessons by levels and individuals to help students sing a song playing the piano.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for students who have taken the course 'musical instrument lesson'. This course is given individually according to levels. Therefore, each student should practice hard enough for each class.152601 Music Education for Young Children(유아음악교육) (3hours/3unit) theory+practice
Course Goal
To help students attain a understanding of the needs of young children for musical theories and principles and design a program of listening, singing, playing rhythmic instruments, rhythmic activities, etc.Course Content
Musical theories and principles, the principal concept of Musical Education, the development of young children's musical ability, the content, the environments of Music Education, program design for the following: listening, singing, playing rhythmic instruments, rhythmic activities, etc. Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for second year students222702 Physical and Movement Education for Young Children(유아동작교육) (3hours/3unit) theory+practice
Course Goal
s To help students attain a understanding of the needs of young children for physical and movement theories and principles and design a program of body exploration, fundamental movements, rhythmic movement, make-believe, etc.Course Content
Theories and principles in physical and movement education, principal concept of theories, the development of young children's physical ability, the content and the instructions of physical and movement education for young children, and program design of the following: body exploration, fundamental movements, rhythmic movement, make-believe, etc. Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for third year students223801 Seminar for Early Childhood Education(유아교육세미나) (3hours/3unit) theory + practice
Course Goal
s To help students attain a understanding of broad topics in Early Childhood Education and to help students who want to upgrade their English reading skills by strengthening English proficiency in reading and translatingCourse Content
Apply theoretical overviews on the following issues : peer relationship, IQ, brother relationship, antenatal training, multi-culture families, Integration, pre-service training, etc., read and translate major literature in English, and reconceptualization of Early Childhood Program Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for fourth year students389903 Health Education for Children(아동건강교육) (3hours/3unit) theory + practice
Course Goal
To help students attain a understanding of health, safety in indoor and outdoor, disease, nutrition, etc. and to help students design a program of health, satefy, disease, nutritionCourse Content
Factors affecting physical and mental health, application of theoretical overviews on the following issues : health, satefy, disease, nutrition, basic ordinary habituation, CRP, child abuse Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for third year students150801 Science Education for Young Children(유아과학교육) (3hours/3unit) theory + practice major elective
Course Goal
To help students attain the ability for integrative approach methods of science education for young children and to help students increase their knowledge about the concept, curriculum, content of science education for young childrenCourse Content
Purpose, importance, concepts of science education for young children, understanding children's development, methods of science education, and kindergarten science curriculum Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for second, third year students151801 Play and Early Childhood Education(유아놀이지도) (3hours/3unit) theory + practice major repuirement
Course Goal
To help students learn theories and practice of play, accomplish the ability to plan for play activities, and to help students create new activities of playCourse Content
Concepts, importance of play for young children, theories and practice of play, role of teachers for play and early childhood education, and the arrangement of play environment Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for first year students151301 Introduction to Early Childhood Education(유아교육론) (3hours/3unit) theory major requirement
Course Goal
To help students increase their knowledge about historical, theoretical background of early childhood education and to help students learn theories and practice of Early Childhood EducationCourse Content
Understanding Early Childhood Education, the kindergarten teacher, play for Early Childhood Education, environment, management, evaluation and Early Childhood Education programs Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for first year students151601 History of Early Childhood Educational Ideas (유아교육사상사) (3hours/3unit) theory major repuirement
Course Goal
To help students increase their knowledge about the philosophical, psychological and social background and to help students explore the direction and approach methods of Early Childhood Education through the understanding the essentials of Early Childhood EducationCourse Content
Educational philosophies of Comenius, Locke, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel, Dewey and Montessori Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for first year students152301 Math Education for Young Children(유아수학교육) (3hours/3unit) theory + practice major elective
Course Goal
To help students understand proper mathematical concepts and to help students plan concrete math activities and lessonsCourse Content
Developmental theories of math education for young children, role of teachers, methods of learning/teaching, and planning, practice, and evaluation of math activities Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for second year students268001 Research method for Early Childhood Education(아동관찰 및 행동연구) (3hours/3unit) practice major elective
Course Goal
To help students explore teaching-learning methods and learn educational methods according to the stages of development for childrenCourse Content
Principles and methods for Early Childhood Education Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for third year students223501 Management for Early Educational Institution(유아교육기관 운영관리) (3hours/3unit) theory major elective
Course Goal
To help students understand theory and practice for management of Early Educational InstitutionsCourse Content
Leadership for effective management for Early Educational Institution, financial management, and appropriate teaching materials Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for third, fourth year students419801 Mental Health(정신건강) (3hours/3unit) theory + practice major elective
Course Goal
To help students find solution to their problems by diagnosing their mental health through personality and psychological testsCourse Content
Personality test, psychological test, diagnose of mental health, cause and result of problems, and development of competent teacher Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for fourth year students278602 Parents Education(부모교육) (3hours/3unit) theory + practice major elective
Course Goal
To help students learn ideal role of parents and various kinds of education methodsCourse Content
History of Parents Education, basic principles for Parents Education, Parents Programs, and Family and Parents Education Prerequisites /Requirements /Recommendations Recommended for fourth year students143103 Child Development (아동발달) (3 hour/ 3 unit) theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To be able to analyze and compare the strength and weakness among theories and understand young children's developmental process and respect their own scheduleCourse Content
An overview of important models, principles and research findings related to young children's development. Instructional attention is given to physical, intellectual, socio-emotional development of children within the context of lifelong development processes. Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommended for 1st year students.390302 Language Arts in Early Childhood Education (언어지도) (3 hour/ 3 unit) practice, elective course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To be able to understand young children's language developmental process and to think about creative language teaching methods and environment.Course Content
Reviews typical developmental progressions in the acquisition of oral language and print literacy in early childhood, including the sociocultural, cognitive, and motivational influences on literacy acquisition. Also includes a focus on developmentally appropriate instruction and assessment techniques, with an emphasis on observation of children engaged in authentic literacy activities Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommended for 2nd year students.221701 Social Education for Young Children (유아사회교육) (3 hour/ 3 unit) practice, elective course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To be able to understand young children's process of social development and to think about creative teaching methods.Course Content
This course provides a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the development needs of young children in the context of the varied social institutions in which they are cared for and educated. Specific attention will be focused on how children's experiences within and beyond their families vary by social class, ethnicity and language, family needs and preferences, and special needs. Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommendation for 4th year students.151104 Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (유아교육과정) (3 hour/ 3 unit) theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To be able to know and apply the national curriculum to educational setting and to construct a curriculum in student's own early childhood centerCourse Content
The course is designed for conceptulization of curriculum planning; instructional materials; modern teaching methods; recent research and its application in the classroom. Specially understanding and planning curriculum, including objectives, contents, teaching methods, evaluation of education : group observation of teaching. Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommended for 3rd year students.389502 Education for Special Children (특수아동지도) (3 hour/ 3 unit) theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To be able to understand special needs and characteristics of exceptional children and their families ande to know how to include exceptional children in educational settings and society.Course Content
Provides students with a comprehensive overview of major aspects of the field of early childhood special education. Theoretical foundations and program development and implementation are presented in an approach that integrates theory, research, and practice Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommended for 4th year students.223701 Christian Education for Young Children (유아기독교교육) (2 hour/ 2 unit) theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To be able to know student's knowledge about the essence of religion and to help them attain a well-balanced understanding of religion needed in teaching.Course Content
In order to establish the theories for christian early childhood education, the concept, the philosophy, the purpose, the learning theories, the curriculum, the methodology, the evaluation, and the theory for teacher of christian early childhood education are dealt with. Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommended for 3rd year students.223403 Child Welfare (아동복지) (3 hour/ 3 unit) theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To be able to know the significance of child welfare and to help young children from the trouble in various situations.Course Content
The concept, the significance, and the developmental history of child welfare are dealt with and several kinds of welfare as practical fields are dealt with and the tasks and the prospects of child welfare are studied. Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommended for 3rd year students.419601 Program Development and Evaluation for Infant and Young Children (영유아프로그램개발과 평가) (3 hour/ 3 unit) theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
Course Goal
To be able to evaluate various programs for infant and young children and develop high quality programs for infant and young childrenCourse Content
For planning and evaluating the program for infant and young children, current educational and scientific research is presented as well as the importance of developmentally, culturally relevant practices. Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommendation for 3rd year students. Logical thinking and writing (논리 및 논술) (2 hour/ 2 unit) theory+practice, elective course for major, teacher credit courseCourse Goal
To be able to enhance student's own logical thinking and writing competence and to teach young children how to think and writeCourse Content
The course is designed to enhance students' logical thinking and writing competence. By actively participating in classroom activities, students improve the ability to express themselves logicaly and fluently. Prerequisities/Requirements/Recommendations Recommendation for 2nd year students.