Police Administration
Train legal experts for public and police administration with the sprit of truth, fmedom, and love!
A Course of Study
Division | Major | Hour/Unit | Course Type |
Basic Divisional requirement | Introduction to public Administration |
3/3 | theory |
Introduction to Legal Studies | 3/3 | theory | |
Police and Criminal justice | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group A | Introduction to Police Science 1 |
3/3 | theory |
Introduction to Police Science 2 | 3/3 | theory | |
General Principles of Criminal Law 1 | 3/3 | theory | |
General Principles of Criminal Law 2 | 3/3 | theory | |
Introduction to Criminology |
3/3 | theory | |
Police Personnel Administration | 3/3 | theory | |
Police Organizational Administration | 3/3 | theory | |
Theory of Juvenile Delinquency | 3/3 | ||
Theory of Corrections | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group B | Theory of Criminal Investigation | 3/3 | theory |
Special Crimes | 3/3 | theory | |
Theory of Crime Prevention | 3/3 | theory | |
Police Administration Law | 3/3 | theory | |
Criminal Psychology | 3/3 | theory | |
Theory of Comparative Police System | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Victimology | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Introduction to Private Security | 3/3 | theory | |
Theory of Probations | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group C | Theory of Policy in Criminal Justice | 2/2 | theory,theory+practice |
Theory & Practice of Scientific Investigation | 2/2 | theory+practice | |
Study on the Police Criminal Investigation | 2/2 | theory | |
Study on the Police Law of Criminal Procedure | 2/2 | theory | |
Seminar in Police Administration | 2/2 | theory | |
Seminar in Police Investigation | 2/2 | theory,theory+practice | |
Seminar in Police English | 2/2 | theory | |
Defensive Tactics 1 | 2/2 | theory+practice | |
Defensive Tactics 2 | 2/2 | theory+practice | |
Arrest Techniques | 2/2 | theory+practice | |
Police Field Operations | 1/1 | practice | |
Total | 32 | 85/85 |
181601 Introduction to Public Administration(3/3) 행정학원론 theory, essential course for major
To make students understand the general theory of public administration and apply it for practical research in public administration.
To help students accomplish a well-balanced knowledge and understanding about the general theory of public administration
This subject pays particular attention to the relationship between the administrator and the public. Topics discussed are such as public participation in the decision-making, political accountability and control of boards and independent agencies. Also, the subject introduces key steps of policy-making involving the development and assessment of government policies and their alternatives, through diverse analytical techniques.
Required Subjects : No, opens to all
125701 Introduction to Legal Studies (3/3) 법학개론 theory, in-class discussions, core requirement
This course provides the students to get the opportunities how to spot legal issues, to apply legal analysis to fact patterns, to use law to examine larger social and cultural issues.
Ageneral study of the scope and methods as well as the basic concepts and fundamental questions in law.
Prerequisites/ Requirements/ Recommendations
Recommendations for 1st who want to study laws or social sciences
362901 Police and Criminal Justice (3/3) 경찰과 형사사법 theory, theory+practice, a compulsory course
The Department of Criminal Justice and Police Studies provides a stimulating learning environment that promotes respect, tolerance, sensitivity and an open exchange of ideas regarding a wide range of cultural and intellectual differences.
We are committed to exemplary teaching, research and philosophy that is grounded in cutting-edge scholarship; engaging students in critical inquiry, logical and ethical thinking; direct engagement of the social world to develop a deep and practical understanding of justice problems; and service to the community, university, and profession. Our commitment to the most current knowledge in the discipline highlights the importance of engagement in scholarship through which we develop our discipline and provide similar opportunities for our students.
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
478801 Introduction to Police Science 1 (3/3) 경찰학개론1 theory, major requirement
The purpose of this course is to study various problems of Police Administration. The course Analysis and evaluation of contemporary Policing and Crime problems; discussion of recent research concerning the Police Agency systems and the various field services
Philosophy and history of Police; limitations imposed on law enforcement in a democratic society in accordance with the Constitution; agencies of law enforcement; role and place of law enforcement in the total justice process
Recommended for 1st and 2nd year students who have taken basic courses in social welfare major
478901 Introduction to Police Science 2 (3/3) 경찰학개론2, theory, major requirement
The purpose of this course is to study various problems of Police Administration. The course Analysis and evaluation of contemporary Policing and Crime problems; discussion of recent research concerning the Police Agency systems and the various field services
Analyzes organization and administration of police departments and systems, highlighting peculiar characteristics of police organizations and personnel, budgeting for police departments, control and responsibility of police departments and relation of police department to other public agencies and general principles of public administration.
Recommended for 1st and 2nd year students who have taken basic courses in social welfare major
263001 Introduction to Criminology (3/3) 범죄학개론 theory, Major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about the essence of general cause of criminal behavior and theories of crime
To help students accomplish the ability to provide who want to become police officer or criminal profiler attain a more comprehensive knowledge of criminality of offenders/scientific investigation capacity
Criminology and concept of crime
Measuring crime
Theories of criminality:biological approaches
Theories of criminality:psychological approaches
Theories of criminality:sociological approaches
Violent crimes
Property crimes
The criminal justice system
Solving the crime problem
Open to all, recommended for the beginners
431401 Police Personnel Administration (3/3) 경찰인사행정론 theory, major requirement
The purpose of this course is to study various Police Personnel Administration. The course Analysis and evaluation of contemporary Police Personnel Administration and Leadership problems; discussion of recent research concerning the Police Personnel Administration and the various field services
This course introduces students to the human resources management function of police organizations. It can serve as a starting point for students who wish to become human resources managers, but for those who do not wish to pursue a career in human resources, it will assist in understanding the competing demands, ethical dilemmas, and policy issues related to human resources that typically arise in other areas of police organizations.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic courses in social welfare major
431501 Police Organization and Adminstration (3/3) 경찰조직행정론 theory, elective course for major
The study of command-level problems and trends in police organizations and management. Principles of organization, control, planning and leadership relating to police agencies are freely assessed. Topics consist of personnel, budget, policy making, crime response tactics and measurements of some.
This course focuses on the history of policing, police culture, basic organizational concepts of law enforcement agencies, operational considerations and managing of the police organization. Specific topics include: management styles and principles, characteristics of police culture, the purposes of police organizations, operating principles, the art of proactive police leadership, communication management, police technology, patrol operations and community policing, non-management functions, administrative functions, fiscal policies, collective bargaining, and training.
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
264301 Theory of Juvenile delinquency (3/3) 소년범죄론 theory, major elective
To recognize the efforts being made to treat problem youths and prevent the spread of delinquent behavior
Understand the nature, extent and cause of youthful law violations and the methods devised for their control.
Study important environmental and social issues associated with delinquent behavior, including substance abuse, child abuse and neglect, and peer relations.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses.
264501 Theory of Corrections (3/3) 교정학 theory, theory+practice. elective course for major
Providing offenders with structure and supervision
Promoting offender acquisition of appropriate social behavior
Preparation for offender self sufficiency
Emphasizing community / victim compensation for loss due to crime
Our task is to conceive and develop more effective sanctions, which will enable offenders to avoid unnecessary levels of incarceration, satisfy community concerns for retribution, and provide a setting, which will facilitate treatment and the reduction of recidivism.
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
263601 Theory of Criminal Investigation (3/3) 범죄수사론 theory + practice, elective course for major theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about the essence of crime investigation and crime investigation technique or method.
To help students accomplish the ability to provide who want to become detector attain a more comprehensive knowledge of crime investigation capacity.
Introduction of crime investigation theory,
Investigation procedure,
Early investigation activity
Crime scene investigation activities(detect investigation , identification
Investigation, thing left investigation, stolen articles investigation, alibi investigation, shadow and conceal watch, arrest, etc)
Make out investigation documents,
Investigation technique,
Investigation administration, etc.
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
432101 Special Crimes (3/3) 특수범죄론 theory, elective course of major
To help students increase their knowledge about the situation of international crimes.
To help students who want to become judicial police officer attain a more comprehensive knowledge of international crimes needed in police man.
To help students who plan to policeman accomplish a high understanding of international crimes needed on investigation field.
The present condition of international crime group their history and realities of activity.
*the Mafia: Italy, US, Russia, Japanese gangsters, Chinese triads
*Medellin: Cali cartel, Norte del Valle maxican drug cartel, Maras-13, etc.
The actual conditions and realities of activity of drug, smuggling, counterfeit of currency and passport, credit card, illicit traffic in arms, illegal entry into a country, money laundering, traffic human being, international finance fraud internation terrorims, etc.
recommended for 3th and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses of police administration.
365001 Theory of Crime Prevention (3/3) 범죄예방론 theory+practice, major requirement
Be helpful to enhancing the knowledges on student crime prevention through learning the theories on crime prevention and local community policing.
Be familiar with basic knowledges on community policing, crime prevention through environmental design, theories on the cause and prevention of crimes, machinery guarding, civilian guarding, and crime prevention, and learn theoretical backgrounds applicable to administrative works.
Recommend to the 3rd graders or 4th graders who completed basic learning courses on crimes and introduction to police science
264001 Police Administrative Law (3/3) 경찰행정법, theory,elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about police administrative law
To help students accomplish the ablity to provide proper guidelines and disciplines of police administrative law
To help students examine the system of police administrative, which gives effect to police aderministrative principles on the basis of the rule of law
Aims at highlighting the dynamic nature of police administrative law by providing students with a practical, rather than superficial, understanding of the concepts and theories of police administrative law through reviews of specific cases and various rulings.
And, examine the basic principles of police administrative law and legislation. it can be divided into an introduction to police administrative law, the law of police administrative processes, and the effectiveness of administration as a means of guarantee.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses.
263201(263202) Criminal Psychology (3/3) 범죄심리학 theory, Major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about the essence of general criminal psychology and applied criminal psychology
To help students accomplish the ability to provide who want to become police officer or criminal profiler attain a more comprehensive knowledge of psychological/scientific investigation capacity
Crime, criminology and psychology
Research methods of criminal psychology
Biological, social environmental and psychological theories of crime
Crime and mental disorder
Violence and criminal psychology
Criminal psychology of serial killers
Criminal psychology of serial sexual offenders
Criminal profiling
Treatment of dangerous offenders
Criminal psychology and crime control
Case study about crime accidents
open to all, recommended for the senior or junior
263801 Theory of Comparative Police System (3/3) 비교경찰제도론 theory, major requirement
The purpose of this course is to study various police systems. The course comparative analysis and evaluation of contemporary police systems in the world; discussion of recent research concerning the police systems and the various field services.
The study of police system in societies other than Korea including, but not limited to, the American region, the European region, and the Asian region. Emphasis is on the uncommon roots of police system in these regions and the effectiveness of such systems in responding to criminal behavior
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic courses in social welfare major
264101 Victimology (3/3) 피해자학 theory, major elective
To help students promote of understand criminal victims
To help students who want to have a job prevent the victimization
Understand the nature, extent and cause of Victimization.
Study important environmental and social issues associated with victims, including fear of crime, psychological, financial, physical impact of the injuries inflicted by offenders.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses.
479001 Introduction to Private Security (2/2) 민간경비론 theory + practice, elective course for major
Enhance understanding civilian guarding by learning related laws, theories, and skills for the purpose of offering public security services at the civilian level.
Learn necessity of civilian guarding, various related laws, theories and principles on civilian guarding and machinery guarding system, and construct effective and general crime prevention system.
Recommend to complete this course at the same time of completing the courses such as crime prevention.
364901 Theory of Probations (3/3) 보호관찰론 theory, theory+practice, elective course for major
Supervised opportunities, given by a judge or the state Board of Pardons and Parole, for offenders to return to their communities and live productive, law-abiding lives while holding jobs, paying taxes and supporting families.
Supervision that begins after a person is released from prison or jail after serving part of their sentence
In some states parole is not available for some crimes
Parole is a privilege and not a right, and only available in limited circumstances
If the terms of parole are violated the person will most likely be required to return to jail or prison to finish their sentence
Parole eligibility dates are determined by statutes drafted by the state's legislature
In the federal prison system parole is called supervised release
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
432201 Theory of Policy in Criminal Justice (3/3) 형사사법정책론 theory, theory+practice. elective course for major
A criminal justice system that is honest, fair and effective is one of Korea's most important institutions. The Criminal Justice Policy Foundation is a private, non-profit educational organization that promotes solutions to the problems facing the criminal justice system.
Criminal Justice and Policy mission is to educate the public about the impact of drug policy and the problems of policing on the criminal justice system. We provide information and advice to policy makers, criminal justice professionals, and the public through consultation, education programs, conferences, publications, the news media and the Internet. The foundation assists drug policy reform organizations with advice on legal organization, management, outreach, research, media relations, and coalition building. Criminal Justice and Policy also provides speakers to educational institutions and organizations of all kinds.
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
365101 Theory of & Practice of Scientific Investigation Theory (3/3) 과학수사론 theory + practice, elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about the essence of scientific investigation and scientific investigation technique or method.
To help students accomplish the ability to provide who want to become detector attain a more comprehensive knowledge of scientific investigation capacity.
Introduction of scientific investigation theory,
Crime scene identification,
Forensic medicine identification,
Forensic serology identification,
Toxicology and food poisoning accident identification,
Crime scene and latent fingerprint identification,
Crime scene and latent footprint and marks identification.
Introduction of another scientific investigation technique or method(arms/gunpowder/smashing glass/holograph/seal identification, superimpose, forensic entomology, etc)
Introduction of essential investigation equipment(general investigation set, footprint picking set, blood stain picking set, etc
Introduction of identification office(nisi, mnd cis, etc)
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
431901 Study on the Police Criminal Investigation(2/2) 경찰형법연구 theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about police criminal law
To help students accomplish the ablity to provide proper guidelines and disciplines of police criminal law
To help students general theory of crime and punishment studied on police criminal law will provide the basis for this course
This course will examine the fundamental concepts of crime and its consequences - i.e., punishment and measures for public safty. it is designed to facilitate students understanding of crime and its legal consequences as constituted under police criminal law.
And, will comprehensively examine various topical issues in the practice and theory of police criminal law, using as a basis the police criminal law theories acquird from previous courses. The object of this course is to provided students with a greater understanding of important topics in police criminal law.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic practical courses.
432001 Study on the Police Law of Criminal Procedure (3/3) 경찰형소법연구 theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge about police criminal procedure
To help students accomplish the ablity to provide proper guidelines and disciplines of police criminal procedure
To help students general theory of crime and punishment studied on police criminal procedure will provide the basis for this course
Within the legal system of a nation, the law of police criminal procedures governs the legal procedures, which give effect to the nation’s right to punish on the basis of police criminal law. This law is constituted by criminal investigations, the arrest of criminals, the institution of prosecution, trial procedures, and the passing and enforcement of sentences. The object of this course is to increase students understanding of the rights and obligations of the subject of criminal proceedings and constitutionnal and criminal procedural processes for the rightful exercise of the nation’s right to punish.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic practical courses.
264702 Seminar in Police Administration (2/2) 경찰행정세미나 theory, experimentation, major elective
This class aims for passing on exam of police selection.
we will study and discuss on introduction to police and police adiministration.
We will use the summary notes on police and police administration as a textbook.
431201 Seminar in Police Investigation (2/2) 경찰수사세미나 theory, theory+practice, internship, etc., elective course of major
Without the use of the course text or class notes, the student will identify the definition of criminal investigation.
To begin the discussion about criminal investigation, the term "crime" should be defined. crime -An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it for which the possible penalties for an adult upon conviction include incarceration, for which a corporation can be penalized by fine or forfeit, or for which a juvenile can be adjudged delinquent or transferred to criminal court for prosecution. It can then be concluded that a criminal is a person who commits a "crime." What is an investigation? investigation -To observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry. This means that a criminal investigation can be defined as: The systematic collection of information for identifying, apprehending, and convicting suspected offenders. The collection of information must be systematic because there may be legal and/or scientific rules that must be followed in order for the information to be admissible into a court of law.
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
31301 Seminar in Police English (2/2) 경찰영어세미나 theory, elective course of major
The overriding goal of this course is to build up and improve your's reading and grammar skills for performing better on tests like the TOEFL, TOEIC AND TEPS, and for passing any government tests. This class also aims to encourage you to explore various aspects of English tests at a deeper level by reading materials of various sources. By the end of the course, you will feel more confident on your English ability.
How to improve reading skills. How to analyse English structure. How to build up English idioms. How to feel confident participating in English communication and writing essays. How to perform better on various English tests.
This course is not targeted at students with high level ability. It means that everyone who has strong zeal for English is eligible.
297001 Defensive Tactics 1 (2/2) 무도1 theory+practice, major requirement
to help students who want to learn judo, it is an art of self-defense that one protects oneself from danger rather than an art of aggression.
to help students who want to learn the principle of judo, it the gentle subdues the strength by mastering hand techniques, waist techniques and foot techniques in an exercise.
meaning of gentleness or giving way, basic techniques of judo including throw, choke and armlock, exercising arts of attack and defense, a competition with an opponent
Recommend learning on the target at the students who completed basic martial arts. sport clothes for an exercise
297101 Defensive Tactics 2 (2/2) 무도2 theory+practice, major requirement
to help students who want to learn judo, it is an art of self-defense that one protects oneself from danger rather than an art of aggression.
to help students who want to learn the principle of judo, it the gentle subdues the strength by mastering hand techniques, waist techniques and foot techniques in an exercise.
meaning of gentleness or giving way, basic techniques of judo including throw, choke and armlock, exercising arts of attack and defense, a competition with an opponent
Recommend learning on the target at the students who completed basic martial arts. sport clothes for an exercise
263701/263702 Arrest Techniques (2/2) 체포술 theory+practice, major requirement
to help students arrest a flagrant offense, a suspect received a warrant of arrest, and most wanted criminal safely
to help students gain control over an offender by using the minimum physical force
principle of self-defense tactics, and arrest tactics exercise including throw, choke and armlock techniques.
sport clothes for an exercise
479101 Police Field Operations (1/1) 경찰현장운용론 practice, elective course for major
Be helpful to enhancing the qualities as police officers in the future by acquiring the theories and actual training on police fields.
Enhance understanding policing by performing actual policing through field learning on field observation, crime prevention, patrol, inspection and search experiences in local units, scientific investigation.
Recommend to the 3rd graders or the 4th graders who completed introduction to police science and theory on crime prevention