Graduate School of Christian Studies
Founder of the Baekseok Schools
Rev. Dr. Jong Hyun Chang
The Founding Spirit of the Baekseok Schools
The Baekseok Schools were not established to merely add to the number of universities already offering secular education. All the members of the Baekseok Schools believe that education should transform students into integrated individuals. This, however, cannot be accomplished by moral or ethical education alone. The only way to transform and renew students spiritually is educating them with the Word of God.
With firm conviction in God's Word that "the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32), on November 1, 1976, I established the Baekseok Schools (Baekseok University, Baekseok Culture University, Baekseok Arts University, Baekseok Theological Seminary) and the United Christian Newspaper. The foundung spirit of the Baekseok Schools can be expressed in five ways : (Originally written in the years in parentheses.)
Our Motto (1976), Our Purpose (1976), Our Guidelines (2004), Statement on Theology (2003), and Reformed Life Theology (2008)
- 01 Our Motto : “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
“The truth” means Jesus Christ.
“The truth” in the motto means the eternal truth revealed by God, who created the world and has ruled over it by His providence; “the truth” being the incarnation of God’s one and only Son, Jesus Christ who came to earth to save the world through crucifixion and resurrection.
“Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'” (John 14:6).“Free” means liberation from sins and death.
“The truth will set you free” means liberation from sins and death, which is achieved by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ - the Truth and the only Savior for us.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).
- 02 Our Purpose
The Baekseok Schools were not established to merely add to the number of universities already offering secular education. All the members of the Baekseok Schools believe that education should transform students into integrated individuals. However, this cannot be accomplished by moral or ethical education alone. The only way to transform and spiritually renew students is by educating them with the Word of God.
Education for Spiritual Life
As a Christian academic institution, the Baekseok Schools were established to revitalize the spiritual lives of its members and transform them into wholly integrated individuals who are spiritually equipped and trained to live for the glory of God. “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life” (John 6:63).
Education Based on the Bible
A life-transforming and life-giving education can only be achieved by the Word of God, for the Bible alone has the spiritual power and life to transform and completely integrate people - physically, emotionally, psychologically, and most importantly, spiritually.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
- 03 Our Guidelines
The guidelines of Baekseokians provide essential direction for all the members of the Baekseok Schools in each respective calling and ministry.
Responsibilities of Baekseokians
We are responsible for making a university which is in God, a university with neighbors in the local and global communities, and a university with each member in the bonds of holy unity.
Conduct Guidelines for Baekseokians
First of all, the Baekseok person should believe in Jesus Christ who is perfect in truth and love, and do his or her best in serving unbelieving students to help them believe in Jesus as Christ the Savior. Baekseokians should be united together in the Truth so as to freely enjoy the spiritual liberty.
Educational Principles for Baekseokians
Baekseokians should observe the following principles of education: education for moral character based on the Bible, academic research based on the Reformed Christian worldview, and education for nurturing leaders serving both local and global communities.
- 04 Statement on Theology
In many countries, as theology has developed more and more into a mere scholarly discipline, the spiritual state of local churches has consequently declined even more. In the process of being too speculative, theology has lost the spiritual life found in Jesus Christ, its very substance and spiritual power.
As we live up to the Gospel in every aspect of our lives, we seek to promote spiritual revival in Korean churches by restoring the vitality of the Gospel, the essential substance of theology. To this end, we advocate “Reformed Life Theology.”
Reformed Life Theology opposes theology which regards God as an object of academic research. God cannot be an object of scholarly studies or analyses because God is the One whom we should believe, trust, worship and obey. Thus, we declare that theology is not simply an academic discipline. Limited human beings, directly created by God in His image, cannot treat God as an object of scholarly research through their reason alone. The God of the Bible is the creator of the universe. He is the living God, who is spiritual, personal, and almighty. To know God truly, people have to be enlightened first by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit through a humble, obedient, and prayerful life of worship.
“Jesus said, 'Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven'” (Matthew 16:17).
- 05 Reformed Life Theology
Reformed Life Theology is a faith-based movement that succeeds biblical teaching and Reformed Theology. It reflects on the theology having become speculative so that by repentance and forgiveness we seek to become unified and restore the spiritual life given by Jesus Christ. Thus with the help of the Holy Spirit, Reformed Life Theology pursues the glory of God by promoting Christ's lordship in every sphere of human life. As a part of this noble endeavor, Reformed Life Theology promotes a dynamic Christian life that transforms ourselves, the church, and the world through actualizing movements of sharing, prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Reformed Life Theology attempts to inherit and develop Reformed Theology by emphasizing its five mottos: sola Scriptura, solus Christus, sola fide, sola gratia, and soli Deo gloria.
The Seven Practical Movements of the Reformed Life Theology
- A Movement of Faith
Reformed Life Theology is a movement of faith by which we hand down the good tradition of Reformed Theology, believing the Bible as the only standard for our faith and life. - A Movement of Theological Restoration
Reformed Life Theology is a movement of theological restoration by which we restore the original meaning of theology by reflecting and going back to God and His Word by emphasizing the fact that “theology is not merely an academic discipline.” - A Movement of Repentance-Forgiveness
Reformed Life Theology is a movement of repentance-forgiveness by which we pursue to become unified by examining ourselves and bearing with one another in the presence of God. - A Movement of Spiritual Life
Reformed Life Theology is a movement of spiritual life by which people are transformed with the gospel of Jesus Christ and are reinstated in the Spirit of Christ. - A Movement of the Kingdom of God
Reformed Life Theology is a movement of the Kingdom of God by which we accomplish the Lordship of Jesus Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit, in all fields of our lives including society, economy, education, culture, art, and so on. - A Movement of Sharing
Reformed Life Theology is a movement of sharing by which we pioneer in sharing with and serving our world and neighbors with all the things given to us just as Christ sacrificed Himself for the world, and therefore pursuing a dynamical practice that transforms ourselves, churches, and the world. - A Movement of Prayer-the Holy Spirit
Reformed Life Theology is a movement of prayer-the Holy Spirit by which we ask for the guidance and work of the Holy Spirit through fervent prayers in everything, confessing that the Holy Spirit alone can enable us to achieve the movement of faith, of theological restoration, of repentance-forgiveness, of spiritual life, and of the sharing of the Kingdom of God.
- A Movement of Faith